
Amazon launches Echo Dot exclusive custom Alexa assistant for children

This week, Amazon has just released a child version of the Echo Dot smart speaker product designed specifically for children. In order to better attract children's attention, this smart speaker has been specifically changed into a candy-colored shell to attract children's attention. According to Amazon, this Echo Dot designed for children is optimized for Alexa, is more child-friendly, and is better at telling stories. At the same time, for children, the optimized Alexa can say more words such as please and thank you to educate children about daily communication.

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At the same time, this version of Alexa will answer questions in different ways. For example, when we ask how many planets it has in the solar system, the regular version of Alexa will simply answer "eight." But when the children ask the same questions as this version of Alexa for children, it will introduce in detail the names of the eight planets and more about them. In addition, the Alexa Kids Edition has removed the shopping function, does not support make calls, and cannot connect to third-party applications such as Spotify or Lyft. Although this child-specific Alexa assistant is equipped with the Echo Dot for children by default, the ordinary version of the Echo smart speaker user can be used if needed. This design is very intimate.

In addition, the children's version of Echo Dot also has a special "SpongeBob" sound alarm clock, and built-in free Amazon FreeTime unlimited service, allowing children to enjoy the content, advertising-free radio stations, audio books and advanced features. Another child version of Echo Dot also comes with a drop-proof shell and a two-year warranty. If the equipment is damaged during the warranty period, Amazon will replace the damaged parts for free.

At present, this children's version of Echo Dot offers blue, green and red colors to choose from, priced at $ 79.99. If you want to give your child a smart speaker and it's very important that he/she can get more useful content in the smart speaker, then this child's version of Echo Dot is the perfect choice. Except for a smart speaker, I think, a smart ip camera is also very important. I will totally recommend every parent to have a good ip camera in your childrens room for their safety.