
Working with the Shield-boards and Programming "Arduino"

The functionality of Arduino is increased by using special cards - Shield. It is willing to pay for the management of one or another process. Shield connected using connectors - pins. The range of processes that can be managed by using Schild very great: from the transmission of data over Ethernet to the motor control. Process control system using Schild can be assembled by hand. "Arduino" only distributes to register in the program the role of one or another external device and directly run already own expansion cards. There are times when you want to record in the memory of some data (e.g. GPS points). "Arduino" itself cannot do this, because it does not have a memory stick. Here and useful Shield, which adds the ability to use card micro-SD up to 64 GB. Oddly enough, but the Shield you can even create yourself, for example, a simple LCD-Shield. Take the screen from an old calculator or pager attached to the pins of the board. Of course, still have to register the program to "Arduino" image display. And all homemade shields are ready.

Programs for "Arduino" written in the language are of Wired. This language is in many respects similar to C ++. However, even if you have no programming skills, then dealing with Wired is still not difficult. The forums dedicated to "Arduino" program for it called "sketches". Even the most lazy programming or not, you can find a lot of ready-made sketches.

For each sketch requires a different set of libraries. They also can search the forums for "Arduino". For beginners there is a very good reference manual with step by step instructions of writing sketches for a particular process.

BTW, you can buy the Arduino compatible kits and DIY kits (e.g. DIY oscilloscope kit, DIY LED lamp kit) at Banggood for high quality and reasonable prices.

