
Essential 3D Printing Tools For All Users

You may find the need to purchase tools that will help you during the printing process. Being aware of the essentials will reduce overspending. Having these essentials will make the printing process more manageable. This article will provide you with a list of essentials that you need to put in your 3D printer kit.

Masking Tape
It is very crucial to have a masking tape in your 3D printer kit. It prevents the print bed from getting scratches. Using the masking tape will ensure the 3D printed objects stick together and to avoid warping. It is recommended to use masking tape with a width of 2 inches because you will require a few strips.

Glue stick
It improves adhesion during printing and prevents warping. You can apply the glue on top of the masking tape or the glass print bed. You can use the glue stick or the hairspray but the most preferred one is the glue stick because you do not have to move parts of the printer.

Palette knives
Sometimes the 3D print adheres to the surface such that it is difficult to remove it, but with a palette knife, you will be able to remove it smoothly. Use a palette knife that is stiff and flexible. While removing the 3D print using palette knife ensure you do not scratch the print bed if it is made of glass.

Digital calipers
It helps in measuring the thickness of filaments.B y knowing the diameter of your filament you will be able to adjust it to the slicing software. Digital calipers are expensive but are more efficient to use than the analogue calipers.

A pair of Tweezers
Helps in removing oozing filament from the nozzle which is usually hot hence preventing your hands from burning. Purchase tweezers with different sizes and shapes to serve for different purposes.

Cutting Tools
During post-processing of your 3D prints, you need a knife to remove any filament strings. When using the sharp knife ensure you have a cutting mat to place the object. Use a knife with replaceable blades.

Pliers, screwdrivers and hex keys
Pliers will help when shaping filament and in fixing any part on the printer.
Screws get lose, possessing a screwdriver will help to re-tighten the screws on the stepper motors. Hex keys will help to tighten things and in the assembly of your 3D printer.

When the 3D printer filament absorbs moisture, then there will be the poor quality of your 3D print. Desiccant helps absorb the moisture. Add some desiccant to the container where you store your filament.

It makes your prints to be smooth. Use the brand that you are familiar with because the grid of the sandpaper wears off with time.

If you had started your 3D Printing and did not have the above essentials then make the decision of having them in your 3D printer kit. For more essential 3D printing tools, please go to Banggood.

