
How to Connect the Doorbell

What could be simpler and more familiar than the doorbell? However, even such a seemingly simple device conceals the secrets of the installation. How to connect the doorbell?

Calls come in two types: wired and wireless. Wired networks operate on. In such models the body and the call are connected by wires. They are reliable, work in all conditions. In wireless models their advantages. For their installation is not required to lay the wiring, they work on batteries, which means that their uninterrupted operation in case of power failure. However, we must remember that the concrete walls and iron doors could be a hindrance to the radio signal emitted by the wireless call. In addition, the batteries need to be changed from time to time.

To set the call wire need: Screwdriver indicator, pliers, screwdriver with thin tip, wire cutters and electrical tape. Too long a call wiring is not recommended, it is reasonable to place a call near the front door. Drill a hole in the door frame to display the bell wire to the outside. Bell wire is a two-core insulated wire. Attach the wire located outside of the door, to the terminals of the call button. Secure the Call button on the wall above the opening. BTW, you can buy music doorbell at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electronic accessories (e.g. security tag remover) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

If you call the battery (it is powered by low voltage) is in its housing, then connect the other end of the wire to the two terminals on the battery: either wire to either terminal. If the battery is separate, pull the bell wire from the bell of a button. The wires should be cut and the cut end of each connected to the ring terminal. Next, slide the wire to the battery and connect it to the terminal. When connecting the call to the transformer, first connect it to the cable distribution box, then do the above steps, but Ring terminals must be connected with the terminals of the transformer, which give the proper voltage. Attach the wires to the terminals in the housing, respectively, call the manufacturer's instructions.

