
How to Connect LCD Screen for Raspberry Pi 2 with Your Hands

Microcomputer Raspberry Pi is not only the widest range of applications, but also support third-party devices, significantly extend the functionality of the board. Today we look at the simplest way to learn to work with the Raspberry Pi touchscreen. And the output we get a tiny tablet with a desktop operating system.

There are at least three ways to connect the LCD screen for Raspberry Pi 2:
1. Display-port in the form of a clamping connector on the front surface.
2. HDMI-connector.
3. Universal IO connector.

All of them allow you to connect to the Raspberry Pi with touch screens. A display connector runs some standard LCD-panel (for developers and embedded devices). There is the original 7-inch screen, mounted on the back side Raspberry. Unfortunately, this option is very expensive, but do not need anything to start it. Just download the system and insert the USB flash drive with her. In Raspberry Pi 2 screen case provides native support of the glands. Nothing could be simpler: all you need to unpack, and then connect to the GPIO-screen connectors Raspberry Pi. It does not even need to count pins - simply align the board so that the screen was exactly on the main board.

How to setup
There are two methods: download ready-made distribution or configure the system themselves. The first, you would require to go to the official project page. Then select the appropriate distribution, download and burn it to a USB flash drive. Paste, connect the power - to enjoy the work. Unfortunately, in this case, you will have to settle for an outdated version of the operating system.

The second method is suitable already familiar with Linux users and first need to install the drivers in the system, and then transfer the computer to a resistive display. With instructions can be found on the official site. By the way, this same technology can be connected to the same side of the screen manufacturer. Unfortunately, neither one nor the other method does work at the same time. 

