
How to Select a Heat Gun

Heat gun need to heat a certain volume of space, and thus, the selection of this device primarily depends on where it will be used and what temperature it is necessary to maintain. Heat gun is capable of quickly and uniformly heat the air in the room with the help of convective heat transfer. High performance makes the heat gun is very popular. Every second of the work she draws a large amount of air, heats it with a metal or ceramic spiral rolls and back into the room. This heat gun burn oxygen, so the room where the work is a device that requires a constant supply of fresh air.

There are three types of heat guns - electric, gas and diesel. Comments and opinions about them can be very different. BTW, you can select the sound card sale at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electrical accessories (e.g. low voltage meter) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

Electric heat gun
Electric heat gun (e.g. 2000W heat gun) is easy to use and often has little power, often these guns are not used for production facilities, and for apartments, offices, small garages, because they take up little space and do not require special permits to connect. Such small cannon sometimes called fan heaters. The more powerful electrical device requires three-phase electrical network. Additional wiring of such a network requires special permits and additional costs, so it is usually convenient to take two low-power electric guns instead of one powerful. Thermal guns are equipped with power control, that is, you can always control the flow of heat from your heater.

Gas heat guns
Gas remains the cheapest fuel, of course, if it is brought to the building, where you spend working, therefore, using gas heat gun, you can save considerably, especially since gas is cheaper electric. Guns that run from the gas pipeline, of course, are much more economical, but before you buy them, you need to be sure that gather all the necessary documents for the connection of gas services. Gas gun burns particularly large amounts of oxygen, their use in enclosed areas dangerous.

Diesel heat gun

The most powerful are the diesel heat gun. Their disadvantage is a fairly high price of fuel and the need to create the conditions for the removal of gases that are formed during combustion. Diesel electric gun is safer and particularly gas, in them is always automatic, which does not allow them to overheat.

