
Security: IP-camera Against Analog Cameras

What are the main features of IP-cameras over conventional analog why they are more expensive and in any case it is necessary to spend more on IP, and in what you can do without them. You ever seen a crime drama or TV show where police shot a bunch of footage considering CCTV cameras and suddenly one of them says: "Wait! Focus on this guy! Click to enlarge the image! "And then, suddenly, miraculously, grainy and blurry images are crystal clear and give a perfect picture of the criminal! They identify a criminal, caught it, and the case is closed.

Well, it is common to fiction. In fact, the grainy footage obtained analog security camera, with an increase in scale and approach only become even more blurred and grainy. But all is not lost! We live in a time when IP-cameras are no longer a novelty and become common place. Now you can forget about the poor quality images from security cameras that we used to see when using analog cameras video surveillance systems. BTW, you can select the security camera (e.g. wireless AV camera) at Banggood for high quality and reasonable prices.

Nevertheless, we should not forget the price. So you have to ask yourself: "Do I really need is a system of IP-based cameras?" Next, we look at the advantages and disadvantages of a particular type of cells:

IP stands for Internet Protocol. This concept relates generally to digital cameras that can send and receive data via a computer network, rather than sending them to channel digital video recorder (DVR).

The best analog surveillance cameras still cannot match even the worst models of IP-based cameras, when it comes to image quality. In addition, IP cameras (e.g. ESCAM QF200) capture a much wider range of image. If we compare it with the analog camera, it will mean that one IP camera can replace the work of three or four cameras "old-fashioned".

