
How to Determine the Moisture Content of the Soil

Lack and excess moisture is bad for the normal development of plants. Taking into account the needs of each crop to water and adjusting the moisture content of the soil , can be grown on the site a rich harvest. Determine the time of watering can and without special equipment.

Determine if there is enough moisture in the soil, the plants in appearance mind. With a lack of moisture leaves fall and wither. Help may be a good watering and irrigation. Determine the moisture content of the soil can be another way. Dig a hole of 20-30 cm deep and attach the back of the hand to the wall of the soil cut. If the layer with the roots of dry or slightly moist, the plant should be watered. And you will need a soil hygrometer or get the Arduino hygrometer to make one.

Determine the moisture content of the soil on the earthen ball. To determine the optimal timing and irrigation rules can use a small sample. Take a handful of soil from her and roll the ball. If it falls apart on the hand - the soil is dry. Here, plants need extra watering for normal growth. When the sample is ground slightly cools the hand - is a fresh soil. During compression, it almost does not decay, because it is filled with water. Such land suitable for normal plant growth and does not require irrigation. If you take a sample in your hand and there are traces on the skin - a moist soil. It holds good ball shape, but at rolling out in cord disintegrates. Crude soil stick to hands, but it is easily formed into a ball and, in the cord. Moist areas will require additional costs to the diversion of water, or some weeds to grow on them. BTW, you can select the soil hygrometer at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electrical accessories (e.g. plastic Vernier) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

It displays the status of the soil and exterior. You will be able to immediately determine its moisture content when choosing a site for a country house. In the early and late hours, it does not darken on the moist air. There are feather grass and lichens. In fresh soil - green mosses, cranberries, lungwort broadleaf and male fern. On wet ground plants with lush foliage: a lot loosestrife and blueberries. Excess moisture is immediately noticeable. The water comes to the surface of the small carpet plants cover the ground.

