
How to Use the Master Keys: the Classification of Master Keys

Skeleton Key is a tool that is not only and not so much a criminal purpose. The use of master keys are widely distributed in the framework of safety examination methods locks, open the door after a key loss, if necessary, with forensic procedures. Enjoy the master keys are not only thieves, as is commonly believed, but also fitters, mechanics, lifeguards, even to people who have got into difficulties associated with the need to get into your own home in an emergency.

Know how to use master keys, it is useful not only for people who have decided to embark on the path of crime, but also to all who in certain situations need to get into the locked room. Using the master key is a fairly standard procedure at the opening of the lock, "home" key of which is broken or lost. To determine the order, how to make a master key for the lock, it is necessary to understand the material, at least superficially. The following types of locks, master key unlocks: Finnish or disc; cylinder; lever; electronic door locks (e.g. Klom cross tools); primitive locks - latch and bolt. It is believed that in the modern variety of locking mechanisms, the uniqueness of each castle and use of new technologies, the master key no longer cope with their tasks.

Before you make a master key, you should ensure that you have the necessary tools, materials and availability of skills. Creating a master key demand: the machine or the winepress, in extreme cases, the drill; grinding wheel; folding metal meter; metal hexagon for the capstan; test object - larva required lock type; vise a mechanical lock.

To understand how to open the lock master keys, you must have a general idea of the appointment of various tools and "the boundaries of the possible" for them. Flat jimmy works on window latches and locks without locking tabs or with a weak fixation. Wire hook for Finnish locks and simple cylindrical models. Billets key - type of lock picks, simulating common form of key locks for a particular type. Dialers keys are for sophisticated locks. Klom electric pick is with the vibration of the simple keys and a magnetic element for electric locks.

Creating and using a master key, it is worth remembering that the Russian licensing legislation includes such activities, opening other people's doors without a license will be considered very clearly.

