
Torment with LED Cube 4x4x4

I'll tell you about my experience with Ardiuno UNO and even show you that I have finally succeeded. If you still not tired like - welcome under the cut. That's what you were doing on New Year's holidays? I do most of the holidays carry with Arduino.

First collected cube of 27 LEDs (it seems on here of this manual). Sketch original version of the work (as in the video) is not spread, because it should be completely rewritten, taking into account new knowledge. But he initially worked like this:

Manage the 4x4x4 LED cube so it was pretty easy. The problem was that all 20 of my existing Arduino UNO output LEDs were busy and wanted to connect more what some sensors and other delights.

As a result, a certain amount of dead nerves and thanks to the help of good people could reconnect to my cube Arduino using two 74HC595 shift registers. During the writing program I have a little better understanding of the language, though some things in my program still seems to me the magic.

Actually, the control cube became a little more difficult, but managed to connect the two-line display, which displays the name of the operating mode of the cube and the number of modes (handy to pick a program, seeing this info), and a button that switches the operating mode of the cube.

Oh, I forgot to say. My wife leads computer science at the same school and, looking at my suffering, she was born the idea of ​​elective courses for grade 9 (while still in the form of ideas and rough drafts) to work with Arduino. Let us hope that this is something out. BTW, you can select the 4x4x4 LED cube at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electrical accessories (e.g. violet laser module) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

