
How to Make Decorations for the Christmas Tree

Today, in stores rich assortment of Christmas toys, so many families’ tradition handicrafts ornaments for the Christmas tree with his hands almost lost. Meanwhile, any, even the most expensive luxury goods, cannot compare to homemade. A variety of handy tools can come in handy for Christmas decoration.

Natural material. If before the winter you collected cones, acorns and chestnuts - just wrap them in foil and make loops of thread. "Silver" cones and balls ready! Of the more tree's acorns can make beads, strung them on a long strong thread.

Balloons and thread. With their help, you can create any shape in the form of a sphere: - Inflate three balls so that each next was more than the previous 
- Lubricate them any cream; 
- Take the empty pharmacy container of medicines made of plastic, and then make the hole with a needle on both sides;
- Fill the container stationery glue and thread it through the holes white thread;
- Dragging the thread through the hole (it is uniformly wetted with glue), tightly wrap the balls; 
- Allow the glue to dry, pierce balloons needle and pull them
- Make a snowman, sew all the components. Draw eyes and mouth gouache, red sew fabric nose-carrot and tamp it with cotton wool.

Candy wrappers. Do not throw away wrappers from the gifts that the children got on New Year's morning. Make of them Christmas decorations. Bright butterflies of them can make even a preschooler. On a butterfly leaves two candy wrappers. Fold each flap in an accordion on the diagonal, then fold them in half and tie a long thin ribbon - for it you tie floating "insect" to the electronics Christmas tree branch.

Eggshell. Carefully perform the two holes at the top and bottom of the shell and blow out the contents. Paint an empty egg in the color you want and decorate it with glitter. Pass the thread through the hole to form a loop. Downstairs unit secure with beads. You can stick to the whole egg shells ears, noses, paws, tails of colored paper - funny animals are obtained.

BTW, you can select the Christmas decorations at Banggood and the electronics (e.g. EDC gadgets) prices are reasonable.

