
LED Night Vision Infrared Illuminator Banggood Sale

Infrared (IR) illuminators can be recommended for use in places where the camcorder is not enough ambient light for proper operation. Their use is due to two factors:
  • the length of the spectral sensitivity of video cameras in the infrared region (this sensitivity is especially emphasized in some cameras)
  • the invisibility of light for an outside observer (however, please note that the actual invisible to the human eye are the IR source with a wavelength of not less than 930 nm)
  • the possibility of invisible illumination where the normal lighting can cause the displeasure of others because of their brightness and because of that it can influence the perception of historical monuments and buildings.

Infrared illuminator is characterized by:
  • illuminated angle sector,
  • radius of action,
  • the wavelength of the emitted light,
  • current (power) consumption.

Structurally infrared illuminators may be made in two ways:
  • based on halogen lamps (IR-lamps) with IR cut filter (high range - can be more than 100 m, a significant power consumption 20 ... 300 W, wavelength 730 ... 850 nm, a relatively small lifetime of halogen lamps)
  • solid state illuminators (IR-LEDs) using light emitting diodes, infrared range (radius of action, usually does not exceed few tens of meters, they are more economical, have smaller dimensions and weight).

In general it can be said that the IR-illuminators on a basis of the halogen lamps usually used in outdoor environments to illuminate the remote object, while the IR diodes increasingly used in areas, stairways, they are mounted in the outer panel video devices in the body of cameras and lenses.

At the same radiated power IR illuminators may have different angles illuminated sector (the sector has, the greater the range). It should be borne in mind that the higher wavelength, the smaller the range of infrared illuminator. BTW, you can select the infrared illuminator at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electrical accessories (e.g. DIY metal detector kit) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

