
PIR Motion Detectors Banggood Sale

The easiest way to see the motion detector in action when approaching the neighbor's porch light suddenly switched on. These intelligent systems are used in many homes, schools and shops for automatic lighting control, or as a burglar alarm. Most motion detectors are used a technique that is called passive infrared detection and typically uses a voltage of 220 V. As a rule, such systems are mounted on the wall or on the ceiling, where they cover almost the entire volume of the protected space. If the device uses power from the battery, it should be compact motion detector powered by 5V. Such sensors can be purchased from firms engaged in sale and installation of security systems.

The internal structure of a passive infrared motion sensor is a very simple device. The detector comprises two crystal lens and a small electronic circuit. When the infrared light (which emits any heated body, including man) falls on the crystal that generates an electrical charge, as anyone moving into the field of view of the sensor also emits heat waves, the motion sensor is easy to register his presence. BTW, you can select the motion detector at Banggood. Besides, you can easily get other electrical accessories (e.g. wireless pinhole camera) there with high quality and reasonable prices.

Typical motion sensor has three pins on the earth, a positive power supply and the actual sensor output. When the 5-volt power detector and provided that the field of view of the sensor are no people or objects heated, its output voltage will be close to 0 V. If a fixed movement, the output voltage jumps to the power level (5 V). Do not buy a passive infrared sensor separately from the sensor. Sensor itself is not equipped with a lens that is present in full the sensor, but because of it the sensor is able to capture the movement and not simply the presence within a radius of some body.

If you are interested in monitoring systems and would like to learn more about them, we will briefly look at other types of sensors.
  1. Active infrared motion sensors. They use a light emitting LED and an infrared light detector (e.g. the 360 degree motion sensor). As the latter is used, for example, a phototransistor; it generates a current when infrared light falls on it. If someone crosses the space between the LED and photodetector, the transistor ceases to generate a current because the light path obstacle arises. Such sensors are only a kind of electric eye, which is great fans remember James Bond movies, especially those over 40. The effectiveness of such sensors can be used only in spaces with constant movement, for example, in the premises.
  2. Ultrasonic sensors movement. These detectors generate ultrasonic vibrations that affect the objects of the room. If little or no room to move, the ultrasonic wave returns to the sensor unchanged. However, once someone or something to make a motion, the wave pattern will be distorted, and this change will enable the alarm. Such sensors can hardly be used in place of conventional passive infrared detectors, unless the ultrasound electronics not included in the area of your interest.

