
Main Types of Monitors: TFT LCD Module

Monitor as a means of visual display there for a long time and its history has undergone several revolutionary changes. If more than a few years ago, manufacturers have mainly struggled for opportunities to ensure high performance base "pictures", today becomes tougher competition between different concepts of realization of the device. Modern types of monitors are distinguished by a set of criteria that lead to not only the image quality, but also the presence of interfaces of communication, energy-saving performance, functionality, and other performance.

At first glance, modern monitors for computers are no different from TV. At least, if we compare the small models of similar size, the difference cannot be overlooked. And yet it is. Thus, if the TV classic - a stand-alone device that receives and plays audio and video from cable and satellite stations, the monitor is a hardware means of processing and graphical information, the source of which is a special card. With regard to the external differences, they most clearly express the monitor type (e.g. TFT LCD display) on a laptop, which can be represented by a matrix of the family of liquid crystal displays. In particular, today the common formats TN matrixes, the MVA and the most modern development - IPS. Compared with the same TV sets, these modules provide higher quality and detail reflection of graphical information per unit area of ​​the screen.

The basic module, which is balanced in performance and so wide spread is TN. This system ensures good response time, an average of 20ms and a low cost of manufacture. But due to the modest performance of color and low contrast such matrices are not in demand among discerning connoisseurs of high-quality images. The best replacement for such devices are modules and IPS TFT - monitor type that has decent contrast, does not stand out with broken pixels and transmits the optimum color reproduction at high viewing angles. However, Arduino TFT LCD module in modern versions is more expensive and requires higher energy consumption.

